Dengue Serotype Prevalence and Laboratory Profile Correlation in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Gandhinagar
Dengue serotyping, Geographical distribution, Thrombocytopenia, Multiplex RTPCRAbstract
Background: Dengue fever and dengue haemorrhagic fever currently rank highly among the newly emerging infectious diseases and are the most important arboviral disease worldwide. Dengue virus can be distinguished by both serological and molecular methods. This study was aimed at analysing the prevalence and laboratory dynamics of the four dengue serotypes in tertiary care patients attending GMERS Medical College Gandhinagar.
Material & methods: This study was an observational retrospective study. A total 105 samples were tested for Dengue serotyping by RT-PCR.
Results: Among positive patients Dengue virus serotype-2 was the most common serotype 94 (89%) followed by DENV3 7(6%) and DENV4 2(2%). Co-infection with DENV 2/4 was 2(2%). A higher prevalence of dengue haemorrhagic fever was noted in serotype 2 compared to serotypes 3, 4, and coinfection. Thrombocytopenia was present in all serotypes of infection. There was a significant difference in the disturbance of liver function in DENV2, as compared to others serotype. Dengue serotype 2 was very common in rural areas, while dengue serotype 3 was seen in the urban Gandhinagar zone.
Discussion: Dengue is the most extensively spread mosquito-borne disease.As per previous studies most common prevalent and severity of serotype wasDENV2,however in our study we were able to identify DENV3, DENV4 and confection with serotypes (DENV2 & DENV4).
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