Reviewer's Guidelines

How to write the review?

The primary objective of the review is to offer critiques of the manuscript that assist the editor in making a decision regarding the manuscript. The review should also include suggestions for improving the quality of the manuscript. In the event of a negative review, significant flaws in the manuscript must be identified so that rejected authors can comprehend the decision and revise their work for submission elsewhere.

We suggest reviews the following means to evaluate various aspects of the manuscript:

  • Read the article carefully: Before you can write a review, take your time to fully understand the content of the article. Read it carefully, and make notes or highlights of any key points, arguments, or evidence presented.
  • Evaluate the article: Evaluate the quality of the article's objectives, methodology, analysis, and conclusions. Consider the following questions:
    • Is the research question clear and well-defined?
    • Is the methodology sound and appropriate for the research question?
    • Are the results presented clearly and accurately?
    • Is the reporting of data and methodology sufficiently detailed and transparent to enable reproducing the results?
    • Is appropriate statistics used for analysis?
    • Are the conclusions supported by the data and analysis presented?
    • Do you feel that the results presented are of immediate interest to many people in your own discipline, and/or to people from several disciplines?
    • Do you find that the conclusions and data interpretation are robust, valid, and reliable?
    • Does this manuscript reference previous literature appropriately? If not, what references should be included or excluded?
  • Critique the article: In addition to evaluating the article's quality, also critique any weaknesses or limitations. Some questions to consider might include:
    • Are there any biases or limitations in the study design or data collection?
    • Are there any potential confounding factors that may have influenced the results?
    • Are there any ethical concerns with the study design or conduct?
  • Provide recommendations: Based on your evaluation and critique, provide recommendations for future research or improvements in the study design.
  • Write your review report: Finally, organize your thoughts and write your review. Be sure to include a clear summary of the article, your evaluation and critique, and any recommendations you have. Use clear, concise language and provide specific examples or evidence to support your points.

We ask reviewer to always be respectful and objective in your review, focusing on the content of the article rather than the author.