Role of Procalcitonin Levels in Patients with Sepsis in Medical Intensive Care Unit
Sepsis, ICU, APACHE II, serum procalcitonin, PCT, mortality rateAbstract
Introduction: Sepsis has a death rate of ∼25% globally and its clinical treatment presents an important clinical challenge. The Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II (APACHE II) is the standard method for assessing sepsis. Serum PCT level can be increase in case of sepsis. With this background, the present research is aimed to study the survival among the sepsis cases and correlate them with serum procalcitonin levels, APACHE II Score and other risk factors.
Methodology: The study was conducted among 75 cases diagnosed having sepsis admitted in medical ICU. APACHE II score, serum procalcitonin (PCT) and other investigation were carried out along with clinical history and examination. Data were analysed using epi-info software.
Results: The cases fatality rate of sepsis cases in medical intensive care unit in our hospital was 37.3%. The mortality rate was significantly higher patients with comorbidities, especially cases with respiratory or CNS involvement. The serum PCT levels were significantly higher in the group of non survivors as compared to group of survivors. Higher APACHE II score associated with higher mortality. Serum PCT levels go on increasing along the spectrum of sepsis. A PCT level was significantly hire in culture positive cases compare to sterile cases.
Conclusion: From this study we conclude that serum PCT level is useful investigation in sepsis cases to predict mortality.
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