Peak Expiratory Flow Rate in Healthy Urban School Children (6 to 17 Years) and Its Correlation with Anthropometric Measurements
PEFR, Anthropometric measurements, Children, BSA, MUACAbstract
Background: The predictive normal value of peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR), in children, is correlated with height and other anthropometric measurements, however, it shows ethnic Differences. The present study was conducted to establish the normal value of PEFR in healthy school children and to know the effect of various anthropometric factors on PEFR.
Methodology: This study was conducted among 2200 students to assess their Peak Expiratory Flow Rate (PEFR) using Mini-Wright peak flow meter. PEFR values correlated with age, gender and various anthropometric measurements.
Results: Out of total 2200 students, 1122 were boys which accounted for 51%. Mean PEFR for boys was 282.53 L/min and for girls was 270/.79 L/min. In boys and girls PEFR value increase as the age advances.
Multiple regression modeling with PEFR as dependent variable and MUAC, BMI, Age, CC, Height, Weight and BSA as independent variables shows that Height, Weight, BMI, BSA, Age and chest circumference are independently associated with PEFR value. However, MUAC is not independently associated with PEFR values.
Conclusion: From this study we conclude that in children between 6 to 17 year of age group the PEFR value in higher in boys compared to girls at any age. Height has strongest association with PEFR then the other variables.
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