Role of Ultrasonography Placental Thickness in Third Trimester in the Prediction of Fetal Outcome
Placental thickness, Fetal outcome, Sonography, Fetal weight, Birth weightAbstract
Introduction: The Placenta is a functional unit between the mother and foetus. Placental thick play’s important role in foetal outcome. This study conducted to assess Placental Thickness ultra-sonographically at 32nd and 36th weeks of gestation and to assess the role of placental thickness in the prediction of foetal outcome.
Methodology: The present study was conducted among 237 women to study the relationship of ultra-sonographically assessed Placental Thickness in the third trimester with Foetal Outcome and its correlation with Placental Pathology.
Results: Among 237 women. Highest number of women (48.5%) were from age group 25 to 29 years followed by 20 to 24 years (42.6%). Mean birth weight increases with along with placental thickness at 32nd week (p <0.01) as well as at 36th week (p <0.01). Cases with <7 APGAR score at 5 min were significantly higher in placental thickness less than 10th percentile at 32nd week (p<0.01). Newborn having lower placental thickness at 32nd or at 36th week gestation required NICU more often (p<0.01).
Conclusion: From the present study we conclude that there was a significant positive correlation between placental thickness and birth weight. Neonatal outcome was good (higher APGAR score and less NICU admission rate) when placental thickness was within normal range Lower birth weight was significantly higher in less than 10th percentile placental thickness group.
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