Spontaneous labour, Induced labour, Nulliparous, Maternal outcome, ProstaglandinAbstract
Introduction: The goal of modern obstetrics is to enhance feto-maternal health. In certain cases, interventions are required to safe-guard it. The most frequent interventional procedure is currently in-duction of labour. This study was conducted to assess feto-maternal outcome in induced women in comparison to spontaneous labour in nullipara.
Methodology: This was a prospective study conducted among 55 nulliparous pregnant women at or beyond 37 weeks of gestation who were in need of induction. Progress of labour was monitored with modified WHO partograph. All consecutive patients who entered into spontaneous labour (n=55) were also included.
Results: Mean cervical dilatation in ‘spontaneous labour’ group was 4.48 (± 0.65) cm and in ‘induction labour’ group was 4.4 (± 0.62) cm. In ‘spontaneous labour’ group, 36.4% required augmentation whereas in ‘induction labour’ group 67.3% required. In former, 81.8% had normal vaginal deliveries, whereas 63.6% in the later group. Mean du-ration of first stage of labour in ‘spontaneous labour’ group was 11.42 (± 2.32) hours and in ‘induction labour’ group was 10.36 (± 2.78) hrs. The rate of maternal complication was significantly more in ‘in-duction labour’ group compared to ‘spontaneous labour’ group. There was no significant difference in neonatal outcome in new-born in both the study groups.
Conclusion: Induction of labour is associated with higher rate of LSCS. Duration of first stage of labour is significantly shorter in in-duced women, however duration of second and third stage of labour was almost similar to spontaneous labour. Induction of labour is a safe procedure.
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