Introduction: According to the American Diabetes Association and American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists' consensus on inpatient hyperglycemia, any blood glucose level higher than 7.8 mmol/l (140 mg/dl) without symptoms of preceding diabetes is considered stress hyperglycemia or hospital-related hyperglycemia.
Methodology: all patients admitted with acute onset of ST-elevation myocardial infarction within 12 hours of onset, age more than 18 and less than 80 years at tertiary care hospitals were included in this study
Result: In the case group mean age was 55.4 years while in the control group mean age 57.5 years was In case group mean Hba1c 5.6 and SD 1.0 was while in control group mean Hba1c 5.3 and SD was 1.1 with p value 0.234.
Conclusion: Mortality was commonly noted in the stress hyperglycaemic groups. 5(25%) deaths were noted in group, while in euglycemic group 4(11.4%) death were noted in group.
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