Diagnostic Hysteroscopy and Saline Infusion Sonography in Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
Hysteroscopy, Saline infusion, Sonography, Abnormal uterine bleeding, AUBAbstract
One of the commonest reasons for women seeking gynecological advice is Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB). Most common anatomical causes of abnormal uterine bleeding in women are endometrial polyps, sub mucosal fibroids and endometrial hyperplasia. Hysteroscopy is an effective procedure but is more expensive than Saline Infusion Sonography (SIS). Direct visualization of uterine cavity is possible by hysteroscopy, but it does not give any information about myometrium and adnexa. Saline infusion sonography is effortlessly accepted by most patients as it can be an outpatient procedure. This article present summary of salient features of the procedure which will help the practitioner to take informed decision.
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