A Comparison of Misoprostol and Dinoprostone Gel for Induction and Cervical Ripening


  • Sandeep Raidu Malla Reddy Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad, India




Misoprostol, Dinoprostone, Induction of labour, Cervical Ripening


Introduction: Labour induction at term is a universal conventional obstetric interference with an objective to stimulate uterine contractions artificially to attain a spontaneous vaginal delivery. The current study was aimed to compare the efficacy and safety profile of low dose vaginal Misoprostol with Dinoprostone gel for induction of labour in term pregnancies with unfavorable cervix and intact membranes.

Methodology: This Randomized Controlled Trial was conducted among pregnant women with term pregnancy with obstetrical or medical indication for induction of labour after institutional ethical committee approval. A detailed history, complete physical examination and investigations were done for all patients.

Result: Misoprostol and Dinoprostone gel are equally effective inducing agents. Both are equally effective in Primigravida and Multigravida. Failure of induction rate for Misoprostol and Dinoprostone was statistically not significant. The need of Oxytocin augmentation, maternal complication rate, NICU admission rate, caesarean section rate and occurrence of meconium-stained liquor are statistically not significant in both the study groups. Our study was unable to demonstrate superiority of any single drug compared to other. Only the difference is cost, induction with

Conclusion:  considering the easy to preserve and administer, we recommend use of Misoprostol as a safe, effective, cheaper, and more convenient drug for induction of labour.


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How to Cite

Raidu, S. (2022). A Comparison of Misoprostol and Dinoprostone Gel for Induction and Cervical Ripening. National Journal of Medical Research, 12(03), 42–47. https://doi.org/10.55489/njmr.12032022907



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