First Trimester Maternal Body Mass Index and Ges-tational Weight Gain and Their Association with Feto-Maternal Outcomes
Gestational weight gain, GDM, LSCS, maternal outcome, fetal outcomeAbstract
Introduction: Women of reproductive age have also been impacted by the significant rise in the prevalence of obesity. A significant predictor of poor outcomes for the health of the mother and the newborn is excessive gestational weight increase. The study was conducted with an objective to study first trimester maternal Body Mass Index and gestational weight gain and their association with maternal and perinatal outcomes.
Methodology: This was a prospective observational clinical study conducted in 196 primigravida patients presenting in a tertiary care hospital in central India. BMI of women were recorded during the first trimester and followed up to assesses gestational weight gain. Early pregnancy BMI and gestational weight gain were compared with various feto maternal outcome.
Results: The mean of First trimester BMI was 21.3 kg/m2. In Overweight category, 65.2% had high weight gain (WG) while in obese, 26.1% had High WG. Type of delivery and NICU admission rate significantly differ in BMI categories (p <0.05). LSCS rate were higher in overweight and obese category. Preterm babies and post-partum hemorrhage were higher in higher WG categories; however, the difference was non-significant (p>0.05).
Conclusion: This study conclude that First trimester underweights and overweight/obesity is associated with higher antenatal, intra-natal and postnatal complications as well as neonatal complications. Caesarian rate and instrumental deliver are also common in First trimester overweight and obese women. Preeclampsia is associated with extreme of First trimester BMI.
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