A Study of Serum Ferritin Level in Patients of Dengue Fever and Its Correlation with the Se-verity of Dengue Fever in Tertiary Care Hospital of South Gujarat
Dengue fever, serum ferritin, Dengue shock syndrome, Dengue hemorrhagic feverAbstract
Introduction In more than 100 endemic countries, there are 50 to 100 million new cases reported per year, according to the WHO. The dengue pandemic has caused significant death. There is usually only supportive care offered and no effective therapy. The purpose of the study was there was any effect on the level of serum ferritin in patients of dengue.
Methodology This was an observational, Prospective study conducted at the Surat Municipal Institute of Medical Education and Research General Medicine department among dengue fever cases.
Result serum ferritin level from on admission then on day 3 and then day 5 in non-severe and severe dengue cases showed p value <0.001 which was statically significant.
Conclusion The use of a serum ferritin level alone with a cut-off value of more than 900 ng/ml is indicated.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Maulikkumar K Prajapati, Urvi C Patel, Pritesh G Patel, Chintan M Kakadiya, Kamalchandra P Naik, Deepika Patel

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